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Who is the REDE team?

The project Resilience and Ethics in Dance Education - short REDE- is founded and financed by the dance department of the Oslo National Academy of the Arts. We hope that we, with the help of our research partners, can contribute to existing evidence based research within dance.

Heidi Marian Haraldsen, PhD

Born in Oslo, Norway. Heidi is Associate Professor in Education/Pedagogy and Head of the teacher certification program at KHiO. At KHiO she has taught and worked with research in art education and educational psychology since 2008. Heidi has a bachelor’s degree in Dance from the Academy of Dance at KHiO, and has long experience as an artist, practicing as a dance teacher, choreographer, and dance performer with a special interest in artistic community work. Her academic background stem from the University of Oslo, the Faculty of Educational Sciences, where she completed her degree (cand. ed.) with a dissertation of aesthetic education and aesthetic learning. She has also worked as editor and co-author for teaching materials in dance subjects through the book series ‘Scenetreff’ at Tell publishing company. Heidi completed her doctoral thesis at Norwegian School of Sport Sciences in 2019 on motivational processes within talent development in a comparative perspective on performing arts and sport. Her research is within teaching and learning in the arts, as well as several topics within performance psychology

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Michelle Schachtler Dwarika, MA, MAS

Born in Basel, Switzerland, Michelle has an MA in theatre, arts and sciences from the University in Oslo, Norway and an MAS in Dance Science from the University in Bern, Switzerland. From September 2022 she is going to pursue a Phd in Sport/ Dance psychology at the University of Birmingham. Michelle has been mentoring dance students at different institutions, such as the Norwegian National Ballet School and Oslo National Academy of the Arts. She has been working as an educator at different educational institutions in and around Oslo, Norway and is a research assistant (since 2020 to present), program coordinator (from 2021-2022) for dance and theatre education and guest lecturer in dance psychology (since 2021 to present) at Oslo National Academy of the Arts. In 2021 and 2022, she has published two mental health online curriculum resources for high school students in performing arts for Tell publishing company. Currently a member of the IADMS dance educator’s committee, Michelle is working closely with an international network of dancers and dance educators alike. Her main research interests include mental health and resilience in dance, stressors and coping strategies in dance as well as autonomy in dance education.